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Thursday, October 16

was goin thru my archives and realised that 2 years are really a long time ago...so much had happened between now n then...the post dated 2 jan 2008 caught my attention as its regarding my '08 resolutions. guess i might as well do an assessment on it...LOL...

my resolutions were

1) start saVING UP a significant amount of money....!!
2) cut down on late nites....
3) spend more time with my family...
4) enrich myself with useful lifeskills...

i m still not fufillin my 1 entirely...i guess the significant amount will always seems insignificant..

lates nites seem to be on the rise...might bcos of the fact that i only hav my wkends out...and most of the times i dun slp enuff during wkends..

3 has always been the hardest...will try my best as always...

this is the one wich i tink i did pretty well...considerin the fact that i m currently studyin law...wat can b more useful den havin a sturdy knowledge of laws at the back of ur head? hehes

a couple more months b4 the end of '08...hope to acheive more and lookin forward to '09!!

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