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Hello. Welcome to My WOrld... Life is like a Dream... Live it to the FullesT... You see the side of me thats never meant to be seen...

Tuesday, September 19

proCastiNation...pLayin My dAYs out...prOvOKin mY limITs...pissED witH sUmthings...pRAyin foR u...pains of the battered heart...pArtLy mY fAulT...pRejudiced judgements...pRedicTAble outCOmes...pRotecTin mY ReSolve...pUlverISing the uRge to GO at it aGain...puRifYin mY soUl...pInnin nEw hOpes...PresErvin tHe memORies oF yOU...peNAlised myseLF...pEnned down my PraYers...

another raNdom enTry...passin time like a perturbed person...

>>>poWerin My pAth tO pUrsuE a PhantASm...<<<

Friday, September 8

its nothin special
just an average girl's journal
a girl who has braved it all
and touched many people with her cause...

kind, sporty, independent and clever
these are words to describe her
wear a smile that could just melt a statue's heart
yet, all was gone when the sickness hit her hard...

she would fall when she walks
she would stutter when she talks
when she sees, her vision is blur
she began to fade, like a flower that has lost its color...

she lost the boy that she liked
in the midst of a dimmed light
yet she told herself, "i still have my family
and the love given by them is in infinity..."

her father turned depression into optimism
her mother made life pleasant
her siblings were always there for her when she needs them
without them, her afflicted life would be bland...

people start to stare
the glances towards her were hurting and sad
she never complain
though people see her as a lame

she felt sorry to everyone around
never able to do something for them that would count
she felt useless
and hope for the worst

when she couldn't talk
writing was her only channel
she never did stop
even when her fingers began to rebel...

she reaped her courage by writing her diary
reminding herself the purpose of her existance
she wished to help people out there to understand
the meaning of being alive...

writing wasn't her only source of courage
there was a boy whom she might hate
he was a cold and impolite smug
yet he changed to win her heart...

she was the key to his heart's lock
he was there to occlude people's mocks
there to share her woes
there to heal her wounds...

he was her legs when she couldn't walk
he was her hands when she couldn't hold
he was her mouth when she couldn't talk
he was her everything as her life starts to slow...

on 23rd of May, she passed on
to a place where she deemed
her tears could
flow till they dry...

>>>1 Litre of Tears..<<<

this poem took mi a long time to pen down...its adapted from a 11 epi Jap drama ' 1 Litre of Tears'...its based on a true story of a 15 year old girl, Kito Aya, who was diagnosed with a disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration...an uncurable disease which affects the nerves and gradually stops all physical actions of the body...she eventualy died when she was 25 years of age...

she kept a diary of her experiences and it was puiblished as a book named '1 litre of tears'. this book had reached out to many people out there and has deeply touched them, urging them to understand the meaning of life...quoting from her, 'Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing.'

after watchin this drama, i decided to write a poem and dedicate it to Kito Aya, who battled with her disease till the very end of her life...never giving up...

Monday, September 4

today...we mourn the death of Steve Irwin...the best biologist, zoologist and renowned animal show's host...the greatest and the most famous in our time...

he passed away doing the what he does best...and under a fatal strike straight to his heart by a stingray...he had risked it all in his whole life to bring us the most natural and realistic side of animal's instincts...he has thus passed on the knowledge of the wild animals, the most exotic ones and also the most dangerous creatures ever to roam the planet...

a person whom shall be respected and remembered by us...for he has left us memories of him battling crocs, snakes and many other creatures...

he will always be remembered as the BEST CROCODILE HUNTER...