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Wednesday, October 15

had to come up wif my autobiography for my OFI to read...so decided to post it up here...lols...serve as a storage for future references...

OCT Neo Jun Wei Alven (14)
Squad 3

My name is Neo Jun Wei Alven and I am born on the wee morning of 19th February 1988. It’s been twenty years since I arrived on Earth. Through my autobiography, I hope to portray a better picture of myself and also share my life experiences.

I have 5 family members. They consist of my parents and 2 sisters. I am the only son and stuck in the midst of 2 sisters. My parents came from families with strong teachings and see to that their children do so too. My father works as a driver transporting goods while my mum works as a childcare teacher. Both of them worked very hard in order for my siblings and I to have the proper education we need. We are very thankful to them and hoped that we can soon allow them to have a taste of their fruits of labor.

My elder sister is 22 years old this year and is working as a childcare supervisor. She is someone whom I looked up to. A very independent woman who relies on herself to carve a niche in her career. She is someone whom I always turn to when I encounters problems in my life. She has helped me on several occasions when I needed aid.

My younger sister on the other hand is 19 years old and has just completed her A’ levels a year ago. She has taken on the SAF Women Merit scholarship and has embarked in a whole new career path shortly after she graduated from her junior college. She is one year into army life and is commissioning early next year to get her rank. She will pursue her degree after that. I have always been proud of my little sister as she had been the high flyer in the family. She is a very determined person and strives her hardest to get to where she wanted.

I shall start on my life now that I had introduced my family members. I have always been the active kid in my family. Never was I able to settle down as a kid. Since nursery, even up till now, I have always been known as the outgoing child from the class, never shy to make friends.

As I proceeded to primary school, I was the better academics performer in the class. I had my many ‘firsts’ in my primary school days. I topped my class for the last 3 years in primary school despite that I also discovered my talent in sports and was able to play all kinds of sports. But like the saying goes, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” So in secondary school, I specialized in basketball and made it into the school team where I met one of the most important people of my life, my coach. He was a hard and tough man who had taught me more than just basketball. He is probably the reason why I am the man I am now.

During the 4 years in school, I put in a lot of time into playing basketball for the school, and my academic results plummeted. Being a teenager at that time, nothing seems more important than spending time doing the stuff you loved best. Even my parents were helpless when it comes to persuading me to study. Bet everyone goes through the delinquent stage.

My coach was the one who brought me to my senses and lets just say I became a better student and had a pretty good result for my O’ levels. At the same time, I began to mature and started understanding the way of life. Slowly I began to appreciate my parents’ efforts in raising me and also cherishing all the good things in life.

I pursued a Diploma in Biotechnology in Singapore Polytechnic after my O’ levels. The 3 years are probably the highlights of my life till now. I was exposed to a lot of management experience and varsity life during the 3 years. I was not the high flyer academic wise but was involved in a lot of organizing of the school’s major events.

I was drafted into Chemical & Life Sciences School’s management committee and was appointed the Sports Head. I was given this chance after I contributed in organizing a successful orientation camp. This opportunity also forced me onto a crossroad where I had to make a choice between my Poly basketball team and the committee. I chose the life as a committee member. I more or less gave up the sport that had played an important part of my life, but I never regretted the decision.

I had the chance to understand how budgeting an event is like, how to rally helpers, how to work under pressure and so much more. I enjoyed many fun experiences during my time as the school’s committee member.

Time as a student passed very quickly and soon I received the letter from National Service reminding me of my enlistment date. Enlistment was a big thing for me as many of my uncles and friends had shared their experience with me. My younger sister also included. I told myself then that I would make the most out of my NS years.

As I passed out from Tekong BMTC, I was expecting either Cispec or OCS course waiting for me but alas, I was posted to OCT. I had no idea what it was all about and did not know what to expect from it. 3 weeks into the course now and I am slowly starting to appreciate how things work in HTA.

Never will I be able to experience outfield and all the others army related things; nonetheless, I will still put in my utmost effort in OCT to show my worth. Looking forward to the day where I pass out from HTA as a police inspector, and in the process, learn more life skills and absorb more experiences to allow me to become a better person.

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